This post contains some very special shots that portray how much important sisterhood is in my life. I met Adel five years ago, then in uni we both, very accidentally, began our 'ride or die' partnership that'd marked some unforgettable and life transforming moments. This article is something I am really excited about, probably because the shots carry  my sincerest emotions for this kid. Adel appeared just when I had lost faith in friendships with women. Somehow she has always been surrounded by strong and empowering women, predominantly in her family environment. I believe it's the days I've spent with her and her relatives that has woken up this sister character in me and made me love my all girl friends a little bit fucking more.


And our sisterhood is something I always want to keep alive. This weekend we finally managed to arrange a long awaited re-union after so many days spent apart. I visited her in her new home in Essex, where we could finally perform some of our shared rituals. A 'Bath talk' is probably one of the favourite ones that we used to do in midnight to calm ourselves down, before or after working on uni projects, and today it became a great setting for some creative shots besides the exchange of some private sororal sentences. 

Always Love,