Lockdown can be harsh on people who haven't mastered the artistry of solitude, or haven't been on the ship of the holly introverts who might find the lockdown as a casual time alone. Being an introvert myself (or part of me) I do enjoy my own space, but with that comes many excuses to get involved online. Call it a flamboyant approach to get attention, or a nasty act of procrastination. It could be another reason too. Thanks god, there's still some apps allowing us to connect and satisfy some of our needs, helping to forget the flatlined neurochemicals in our brains - that is like a cherry on top for all of the unsolved lockdown anxieties (and I am speaking for all the lone wolves here). As you can see, I've probably tried more than five different angles of perspective to experience my lockdown days and yet there's always more things to surprisingly stumble across.
Well it's necessary to change your perspective if you don't like how your day-to-day life unrolls. There's no need to struggle with the feeling of loneliness or boredom, cause there's all this time to research and find your answers. I feel blessed to be spending my time as I like, working on my skills or simply sleeping way more than I should. I find it all to be a blessing. I feel like it's time for all of us to finally normalise rest and just being, despite the fact that it has its own hardships too.
To give you a little update on the current train of thoughts I am having, I am tiny bit concerned by the attention economy that has sprung even more due to so many people becoming more virtually active. We are not protected by the emotional triggers coming from the online feed, as well as when it comes to moderate amounts of social media use, being a blogger doesn't help. It has always been a challenge to not overstimulate myself in the networking world as that would leave me with less and less energy. At times I feel worried of photo documentation of my life and having my shots seen by anyone who follows me. I always try to remind myself that these will be amazing to look at later as well as could be of inspiration to someone else. I have these mixed emotions towards attention trading but I am aware that it's part of the creators culture and fighting it is like tilting at windmills. So here I am.
Thanks to the amazing Jay Chow for these ah-mazing shot done in London not too long ago. It's always a pleasure to arrange these get-togethers and practice these kicks while role playing a space cowboy.