I love to be the child of this moment. Like a Sufi.
Writers such as Paulo Coelho or Elif Shafak inspired me to create an anchoring thought or action, that would always ground me to the current moment. To share the ones I use that has helped significantly, would be shifting my focus to the sky and clouds or coming back to the ideas of "being aware of being aware", "I am awareness" or taking a conscious breath.
Meditation trained me how not to run after each triggering thought, be it a pleasant one or anxious, but rather treat it as a wild horse on a loose rope. Or see arising and multiplying thoughts as passing cars on the highway.
I learnt from my therapist how to use my imagination to befriend my emotions.
My neighbour told me to water my plants everyday to practice compassion and my sister taught me a habit of paying attention to flowers each morning, reading all the possible variety of patterns on their leaves, losing myself in that process till I remember the beauty we are blessed to live in everyday.
Styled and photographed by Adel Kamalova.