Entering this beautiful Lunar phase and moving towards the full moon, shall I say the flightless dragons should rise up, get the rebellious act on and conquer whatever that the heart craves for with that inner peace, kindness and some love that have been nourished and soaked in our precious cells for the time being.
I know, kindness is taken for naiveness and holding up our healthy boundaries is sometimes hard. But this coming full moon, taking place 24rd July, is about taking our power back. Let me tell you this, as cliché as it sounds, our level of joy and happiness is fully comprehended by us, directed and navigated by our strong will. Instead of being stuck and being constantly pulled and pushed by external power, let's be straightforward with ourselves, choose what's only best for us, stop living for other people, that draining people-pleasing that has never served us any good anyway. Instead, remember our purpose. It might feel like there's part in you that's being engraved and funeralised but this stage couldn't be more important babes. Allow yourself to accept that stage when what's not meant for you is being turned to ashes so you could recognise your values and rise up for a challenge, even if it means flying the Milky Way alone, that is still a journey.
Sending love,